Marking the late start to Q2 2023 I have made the choice to start this quarter off the main account only swinging on the small account, however I will be using approximately double the size in the small account as I was last quarter, the main account will be on hiatus until further notice

Option buying

I began trading small caps and pharmaceutical stocks in my second year college. While investments provided for growth over a longer timeframe, I wanted something to provide a more consistent source of income. Naturally, being interested in stocks, day trading and swing trading became something I took an interest in. Around march 2020 when I had graduated college, I had the time to take it more seriously, around April of the following year I focused my efforts a into stock options instead of stocks. I believed they presented much higher upside while still maintaining similar to equal downside risk. In the year of 2021 alone I produced an overall return of over 18,000% on my initial capital investment.

Weekly moves

In the table below you’ll see what moves I’m making for the week (positions are updated when closed and charts are cleared at the start of every trading week.) I trade in 2 different accounts, one smaller more risk heavy account I use mainly for overnight swings, and a bigger main account I use primarily for day trades and longer dated swings. Main account is 10x larger than small account

Swing Trades (Small account) 7/5-7/7

Option Entry Exit % Change to overall account
NVDA 465C 1.83
NFLX 470C 2.53
AAPL 200C 0.96

to see earlier weeks check out the archive