Welcome to my website. I am a 23 Year old finance enthusiast, gaming nerd, and gym enjoyer from Toronto!

I first took an interest in computers at a very young age when my dad gave me my own personal computer around 8 years old. Since then I’ve fallen in love with technology and its prospects. Around age 13 is when I first got involved in competitive gaming in the form of Team Fortress 2 Highlander and 6s league. I first started coding as early as high school, and obtained a certification of excellence in manufacturing and technology in my graduating year.

I first took an interest in finance when I was in my second year college for electrical engineering at Guelph Humber. While I did obtain my electrical technician license however, I knew I wanted to do something else. Around December of 2018 is the earliest I can remember taking an interest in finance. On March 7th of 2019 I made my first stock purchase ever. I consider that the official start of my financial journey. Which has only branched out in subsequent years.

My interest in the gym health and fitness started around early 2021. Gyms were closed at this time so I started off doing calisthenics at my local park outdoors. Since then I have continued to lift nearly every day and has become a passion of mine!

As a creative outlet I enjoy editing photos, i’ve always loved the old school look of photos shot on a film camera and most of my photos are either taken on a film camera, or edited in a way to emulate the look, they can be found on my VSCO